Saturday, June 25, 2011

Where troubles melt like lemondrops

Right now I am in the throws of being the head farmer around here (Andy's back problems are acting up) and I am trying desperately to have my parents' lake house decorated in time for fourth of July. (2 weeks to fill up 1200 square feet!) Don't get me wrong, I am having so much fun shopping and planning! But I have found little time for sleep this week. Honestly, between picking our vegetables 4 or 5 hours a day, plus an hour or so to clean them, several farmer's markets and deliveries, and then shopping/designing/researching for the lake house, I am exhausted. But in a good way. Thankfully, my little ones have been at their grandparents' house since Wednesday. God is so gracious to provide for us. I am incredibly thankful for help with the children this week!

We have had rain four days this week. Three of those storms came when I was in the fields on the farm. The first time I could hear the rain blowing in over the hills in the distance. But there was no lightning, and I was strapped for time, so I just kept picking. Several minutes later I was soaked and the rain was too harsh to see well. But I finally made it home laughing. I looked dirty, soaked, and ridiculous. Oh, and for an added element of humor, I had on Andy's (huge) work boots because my polka-dotted rain boots got ripped. The kids thought it was so funny. But honestly, after five straight weeks of draught earlier in the summer, how could I possibly be frustrated with rain? Plus, it was so nice to not be hot!

Last night Andy had to help me pick vegetables, even though he should have been lying flat on his back. The vegetables simply had to be picked, and there was so little daylight left. We got a short rain, not enough to stop us. And then the soft gray sky which had almost given in to night fall, burst with orange. It was as if torches had been lit. And over our farm came a rainbow in full view. And then a few moments later, another rainbow just above the first. We had no choice but to stop and gaze. We just stood still and absorbed the beauty together. Felt like heaven on earth. What a moment! I began to this for us? No, what an arrogant thought! God is so big, and we are so small. But then again, He is big enough to paint a rainbow across the sky for two simple ones like us. His grace and love are so big and unbelievable, yet so personal and tender.

Today after a long, hot, but successful farmer's market and then an afternoon of designing and shopping for the lake house, all I could think about was taking advantage of our last evening alone before our children plus two visitors from Atlanta arrive tomorrow. As I pulled up to the bottom of the driveway (farmer's market and shopping/planning were in another town) I was met with Andy's friend and his new girlfriend who had driven all the way from Atlanta to surprise us with a visit. For just a minute or two I gave into exhaustion and had a bad attitude. I think I asked God, and I quote, "Seriously?" That's the same question I asked Him when He lead us to this farm. So many blessings are all covered up and hidden under the wrapping of (unwanted) hard work. And those are the ones I avoid. I'm thankful, so thankful, for our visitor. (But I don't think he will surprise us again any time soon. We had eaten dinner on the way home. All I had to offer him was water or beer. No food at dinner time will send a single guy packing really quickly!)

Tonight, I am so thankful for this farm, the beautiful time this farm life has given me outdoors, and family and friends who take the time to come here to see us. As I so often remind myself and Andy, there will be plenty of time in heaven for rest! (And then he wisely reminds me, "Yes. But you get a taste of it tomorrow on the Sabbath!" Good thing for little tastes of heaven on earth!)

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