Monday, January 11, 2010

Note to self: Don't forget!!

Dear Self,
Do not forget the following noteworthy moments in home schooling from the past week:

::Jaybird's hilarious journal entry (verbatim)::
"Attack of the Snowballs"
Synopsis: When young Joie was making a snow fort, he found a glowing snowball. He used it to make his fort, and now it is turning every snowball thrown at it into a merciless monster.

Coming Soon: You thought the snowballs were bad..
"Attack of the Snowman"
Sneak Peek: This time, Thomas Thompson who lives across the street gets the glowing snowball, and he throws it at Joie, who starts to be controlled by it, and then dosent obey it, and turns into a monster.

::Studying King Arthur in History::
We had a hunt for the holy grail. The kids loved this idea, especially pretending to live in the Dark Ages, swords and all!
::Studying Columba in History::
We love missionary stories, especially when they take place on foreign soil. We looked at pictures of Scotland that were beautiful. The boys made illuminated letters, too.

::Learning about volume in math::
Any math activity that involves a funnel and water turns into a fun mess. It was a joy to see Jaybird enjoying math, his least favorite subject!

::Lydie's favorite new prayer::

"Dear Jesus, Thank you that you are in heaven and not a little baby any more. You can do lots of stuff. Amen"

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