Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Big Brother
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving highlights
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Frugal thanksgiving and a new best friend
Here's a picture of my frugal Thanksgiving basket for Jaybird's teacher. I admit, I found the basket at a yard sale. But, it was new, confirmed by the plastic wrapping. It cost 25 cents. The pumpkin muffins were made from scratch all from our pantry, except the canned pumpkin, on sale for 49 cents. The bath salts were on sale for $1 at Wal-Mart. I threw in a few tea bags that I already had from my own stash. And the thanksgiving card was left over from 1999 when we invited all of our family members to our house for Thanksgiving (to share that we were pregnant with Jaybird). All in all, a fun way to say thank-you to a wonderful teacher for less than $2.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Crazy Kitchen
Look at my little ham posing for the picture.
I had food cooling all over the kitchen table. I thought about using the little extra bit of couter top space by the frig, but no I had homeschool stuff spread out there. Enough procrastinating, time to go face the music and clean. I'll have to post my recipe for pumpkin-chocolate chip muffins later. My friend Abby shared it on her blog last year and we have made them several times. Yum!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A quiet day
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Those wretched medical bills!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Has it been a week since I've posted??
Friday, November 09, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
My new interest and a project with Toot
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
My little pilgrims
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Paralyzed with perfection

This wanting all or nothing seems to be a pattern in my life. I was talking to my husband about all of this and we laughed as we realized I have never played a sport due to my perfectionism. For as long as I can remember, I have danced. The funny thing about performing is that you practice dozens and dozens of hours before you perform in front of an audience. In a sense, you "perfect" your art before you expose yourself.
My husband wisely asked me, "So what do you think God is trying to teach you right now?" I know that He is NOT chastising me for my eye for details or for my desire to do things well. Both are glorifying to Him if I seek to honor Him (and not myself) in my tasks. I found a Teddy Roosevelt quote that hit me square in the eyes. It said, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." I have been paralyzed with perfection. I can think of so many wonderful opportunities that the Lord has offered me that I have not taken. Just recently I have felt an urging to start a performing arts team at our church. But I have not moved forward because of doubting that my skills will be adequate. I was asked to emcee the women's retreat at our church, but I don't think my speaking voice is the best and could I be warm, funny, encouraging ENOUGH?
All I know to do is run to the One who promises to love me like I am. The only One who is perfect. The only One who lived in this world full of money, lust, pride and deceitfulness and was perfectly unwavering and holy. I need to put one foot in front of the other and MOVE. Otherwise, I will be completely unfruitful in many areas, including my deepest desire to glorify Jesus. I am reminded that I serve a God that is BIG and GENEROUS and ABOUNDING in LOVE, and as I offer up what might seem so little and feeble, if I do so with a heart of worship, he will turn the little into much for His glory. If nothing else, in the doing...He will change me. And maybe in doing so, He will take my eyes away from the goal of a perfect ME and set them on the Perfect ONE that never leaves me wanting.
"The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands." Psalm 138:8
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Three IS a lot!
Thoughts on Thanksgiving
John Calvin
This year we are spending Thanksgiving with my side of the family. We will not be at my Mom and Dad's house in my hometown, but in a log cabin at a State Park. My mom, thoughtful and kind as she is, is not one for tradition or creativity. So I am brainstorming ideas to make our day special and worshipful.
For starters, I am going to begin a journal for each of us to capture our thankfulness throughout this month. It will be interesting to see what the boys record. I am praying for more than Star Wars and candy.:) The boys will both be learning about the first Thanksgiving in their school lessons. Next, we will create our own decor for our log cabin. Just the usual, placemats, bowls of leaves, nuts and other things from a long nature walk and a Thanksgiving banner. And finally, I am developing a song list for the day. Hymns and praise songs for my husband to lead on the guitar, along with verses of thanksgiving.
My heart is so full of praise and thanksgiving. The creator of the universe loves, cherishes and delights in me (which is almost too amazing to believe!). Even amidst a mountain of earthly blessings, what more could I need? His grace is sufficient for me! Do you have any ideas to make Thanksgiving more special?
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Random fall fun
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
Albert Camus
The tree above my head as I was laying on the deck listening to my little boy and his friends play
Like many of you, I adore fall. I love to bake in the fall. I love to be outside in the fall. I love to stop and take deep breaths in the fall. I seem to worship more keenly in the fall. I love this time of year! Here are more wonderful fall moments...
The crew dressed up. And this WAS the best shot!
Fun times with Toot. He and I both love paint and baking. Notice the cookie up top with one, green eye. That's the monster pumpkin, courtesy of Toot.
A teenage girl in my man's homeschool biology class sent me these treats with a note, "Mrs. ___, Thank you for sharing your husband with us!" Darling, huh?
Toot with his masterpiece. Does this kid ever just smile? Nope!